(13)Now pleat the pants. Use pins to secure them then iron press them to keep the shape.
Keep repeating this pleating process from the center to the both sides.
For ease of work, sew a sparsely spread out stitch along the top of the pleated cloth to hold the pleats together.
(14) Face the right sides of front pants abd back pants together. Pin on and stitch along the side lines. Serge or zigzag red line at the edge as shown. Press seams towards back.
Once you sew the inner leg portion of the pants, flip one of the legs right side out. Tuck the pant leg that’s right side out inside the wrong side out pant leg with the crotch part lined up. The two pant legs should have the right sides touching.
(15) Pin the curves together and sew one big U that’s the curve. This is the curve that’s from the crotch to the top of the waist.cThen if you have a serger, you can serge or zig zag the seam allowance as shown.(16) Fold twice concealing the cut edge and press. Sew the hem as shown.
(17) Do the step from (17) to (19) of the Dress.
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