Sewing tutorial-11. R63 Wrap dress

(1) For holding strap, Press fold line. 

(2) Fold the entire strap, Topstitch the edges. 

(3) Now with the right sides of the fronts(outer fabric & inner fabric) facing each other, 
sew along the side edges as shown.  

Cut notches in the seam allowance along the curve. Repeat with the other side.

Trim the points on any sharp angles

(4) Insert the straps between front pieces as shown. Match the top edges of fronts and straps. 

(5) With right sides together stitch straps into palce on fronts as shown.

(6) Turn the piece right-side-out. 
(7) Now with the right sides of the backs(outer fabric & inner fabric) facing each other, sew along the side edges as shown. 
Trim the points on any sharp angles and cut notches in the seam allowance along the curve. 

(8) Insert the straps between back pieces as shown. Match the top edges of backs and straps. 

With right sides together stitch straps into palce on backs as shown.

Using your CF (center front line) as a guide, lay your left piece overlapping  the right piece and pin in place. For ease of work. Sew a sparsely spread out stitch along the bottom to hold the two  pieces together as picture shown.
(9) Match the waist bands together with right sides together. For ther inner waistband, stitch leaving a gap just below the middle which is the width of the elastic as shown. And for the outer waistband, stitch both sides completely. 

(10) Match the waist bands together( Inner fabric + Outer fabric) with right sides together. 

(11) Find the middle of the waistband fabric pieces and pin it to the middle of the bodice piece.  The good side of the waistband fabric should be facing in against the bodice front and back.  Once pined in place, flip the bodice with the attached waistband over.   Now line up the inner waistband piece with the outer fabric waistband and pin them together along the bottom edge.  The bodice piece will be sandwiched between the two waistband pieces.  Sew a straight seam with 3/8”(1cm) seam allowance along the edge, connecting the waistband pieces together  and to the bodice.

(12) Turn the waistband piece right-side-out.   

(13) Sew a two parallel row of long(gathering) stitches around the skirt.

(14) To gather the skirt fabric simply hold the fabric still in one hand and pull one of the loose threads with the other.   Do this on both sides until your skirt is the same width as the each waist. Repeat with the other piece.

(15) Face the right sides of skirt together. Pin on and stitch along the side lines.  Serge or zigzag red line at the edge as shown.  Press seams towards back.

(16) On the wrong side of skirt,  fold twice concealing the cut edge and press.  Sew the hem as shown. 

(17) Match the skirt to bodice waist line with right sides  together as picture shown.

(18) Align the skirt and bodice right sides together. Pin all the way around  waist line 
and sew as shown.  Serge or do zigzag the raw edge.

(10) Insert elastic band into the side seam opening. 
Overlap elastic band at ends and sew to secure as shown. 
