Sewing tutorial-42. A6 sewing pattern


 Sew a parallel row of long(gathering) stitches around the main part as shown. 
(Stitch length long, tension low/loose)

Repeat with lining as main part.

Apply interfacing to the wrong side of brim.

Pull on the bobbin thread ad gather this piece until it is the same width as outline of back piece and the bottom of the bonnet brim as shown.

Match the back and Main part together. Face the right sides. Sew the back line as shown.

Match the brim and Main part together. Face the right sides. Sew the brim line as shown.

Repeat with the lining as main layer.

(1) Fold and press strap 1cm(3/8”) in horizontally to the wrong side.

Then fold and pin in half line with the right side and sew down the short side as shown.

(2) Turn it right side out. Refold each one in half along the long edge and press. 

Open the fold and fold each raw edge in towards the center and press again. 

And edgestich at top end and along length of strap. Repeat with the the other strap .

Then pin the strap to the main part as picture shown.

Place the bonnet pieces (outer layer and lining) one inside the other with the right sides facing each other.

Pin them in place for easy sewing.

Sew all the way around of fore-headline and bottom line,

keeping opening unstitched as shown.

Trim the points on any sharp  angles.

Turn the bonnet inside out through the opening.

Hand sew the opening shut.

Top stitch the bonnet at this edge as shown. 
