Sewing tutorial-17. R65 Bloomer

(1) Serge or zigzag the blue line at the edge.  

(2) Pin and stitch the front and back side line only together as shown. Right sides of fabric together. 

Press seams open. 

(3) On the wrong side of pants, fold twice(0.5cmX2) concealing the cut edge and press.Sew the hem as shown.

(4) 1. Mark elastic placement line on inside of garment piece. 
2. Place no cut elastic over marked line on wrong side of  fabric. 
3.Stitch over elastic. Stretch elastic while stitching.When you reach the mark, simply continue stitching over elastic. 

(5) Pin and stitch the front and back inseam line together as shown. Right sides of fabric together. 

Press seams open. 

(6) Once you sew the inner leg portion of the pants, flip one of the legs right side out. Tuck the pant leg that’s right side out inside the wrong side out pant leg with the crotch part lined up.

The two pant legs should have the right sides touching.
Pin the curves together and sew one big U that’s the curve. This is the curve that’s from the crotch to the top of the waist,  keeping opening  unstitched as picture shown.  
It will be opening for elastic band.  Serge or overlock them together before  opening starts as shown.  Finish seam if desired with a serger,  zigzag stitch or pinking shears.

 (7) On the wrong side of pants, fold 1cm(3/8”) then 2cm(3/4”) and press.Then edge stitch it as shown. 

(8) Pull the elastic band trough the tunnel with the help of a safety pin. Lap the ends of the elastic by half inch and stitch  them together. Hand sewing the opening shut.
