Sewing tutorial-10. R62-Bloomer

(1) Serge or zigzag stitch the side lines as shown. 
(2) Fold it in half lengthwise with right sides together. Then stitch along the side lines.  Press seams open. 
(3) Press 1/4″(1cm) bias bindings in widthwise first the lengthwise.  

(4) Working from the side line-right side of the garment, 
pin and sew binding to garment aligning the raw edges of  leg line. 

(5) And fold the binding to the inside of the bloomer, rolling the seam line in slightly to hide it on the inside of  the bloomer. Fold the raw edge of the binding under along the line you pressed earlier, and pin this  fold to the inside   of the leg line. Continue to press the binding to the other side. Topstitch the binding to the leg line close to the inside fold.

(6) On the wrong side of bloomer, fold 0.4”(1cm) then 0.8”(2cm) and press. Sew the hem around leaving a small  opening as shown.

(7) Insert elastic band into the opening.Band fits firmly around leg line. Overlap at ends  and sew to secure as shown. 
 (8) Insert elastic band into the opening. Band fits firmly around waist. Overlap at ends and sew to secure as shown. Close the openings with stitching.
