Sewing tutorial-37. R81 sewing pattern

Fold 0.5cm(3/16”) twice concealing the cut edge  of frill (straight line) and press. 
 Sew the hem as shown.

Sew a parallel row of long(gathering) stitches  around the frill. 
(Stitch length long, tension low/loose) Gathering the frill as picture.

 Stitch the frills to the front bodice with right sides together as shown. 

Pin and sew the front and side pieces together with right sides of fabric together. 
Serge or zigzag stitch the edges as shown. 

Press the seams towards center.

 Give the edge stitch as shown.

Apply interfacing to the wrong side of facing pieces.
Match facing pieces up at the shoulder seams, pin together and stitch.

Press seams open.

 Serge or overlocked line as shown.

Fold and press strap1cm(0.4”) in horizontally to the wrong side.

Then fold and pin in half line with the right side and sew down the short side as shown.

After sewing, cut out the edges as shown.

Turn it right side out. Refold each one in half along the long edge and press.

Open the fold and fold each raw edge into wards the center and press again.

And edgestich at top end and along length of strap.

Repeat with the the other strap .

Pin and sew the shoulders  of front and back together with  right sides of fabric together. 
Serge or zigzag stitch the  shoulders together as shown.  

Pin the strap to the right side of the front, and raw edges should be facing the center back as shown.

Then pin the facing to the neckline, with right sides together.

 Sew them together along the top of the neckline with

a nice curve as shown

After sewing, cut the centre slit open. 

Trim the points on any sharp angles and cut notches in the seam allowance 

along the curve as shown.

Turn the facing to the wrong side of the bodice.

Turn it inside out, press the neck-line. and Give the top stitching as shown.

Sew a parallel row of long(gathering) stitches around the top sleeve.
(Stitch length long, tension low/loose) 

Gathering the top edge of sleeve. 

Stitch sleeves and armhole together as shown. Serge them together. 

Pin and stitch the front and back together as shown, right sides of fabric together.  
Serge or overlock them together. 

On the wrong side of sleeves, fold 1cm(3/8") and 1.5cm(5/8") 
concealing the cut edge and press. Sew the hem of sleeve as shown. 
 Pin all the way around sleeve hem line and sew. Stop your line of stitching about 2.5cm (1”)  before you reach the point where you began  this leaves you an entrance hole to access  your elastic band tunnel.

 Pull the elastic band trough the tunnel with the  help of a safety pin. 
Lap the ends of the elastic by  half inch and stitch them together.

Face the right sides of hem frills together. Pin on and stitch along the side lines. 
Serge or overlock seams together.

On the wrong side of frill,  fold twice concealing the cut edge and press.  Sew the hem as shown. 

Fold 0.5cm(3/16”) twice concealing the cut edge  of frill (straight line) and press. 
 Sew the hem as shown.

Sew a parallel row of long (gathering) stitches around the top edge line of frill.

 (Stitch length long, tension low/loose) 

 To gather the frill fabric simply hold the fabric still in one hand and pull one of the loose threads with the other.  
 Do this on both sides until your frill is the same width as the each bottom edge of bodice. Repeat with the other piece. 

Then face the right side of hem frill 2 and  wrong side of hem frill 1 together. 
Match the top edge of hem frill 1 and hem frill 2  as shown. 
Stitch them together as shown. 

Match the frills to bodice waist line with right sides  together as picture shown. 
Align the frills and bodice right sides together. Pin all the way around  waist line and sew as shown.  Serge or do zigzag the raw edge.
